University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Drew Roberts

Friday, June 12, 2015

Drew Roberts

Last weekend provided me an opportunity to relax and recharge before a busy week.  After catching up on some sleep and casually exploring the city, Sunday had us attending a local STEM festival to demonstrate some cool experiments to elementary and middle school kids in a community just outside D

Friday, June 5, 2015

Drew Roberts

The second weekend afforded me time to get to better know the area around Woodley Park. Just down the road from our apartment is a set of streets centered around Massachusetts Ave. that contain dozens of foreign embassies. It makes for a great walk to pass by the Embassy of South Africa, with a large statue of Nelson Mandela posed in the front, and then look across the street to find the embassies of both Italy and Brazil right next to each other. Along with great sights, Woodley Park and nearby Adams Morgan have many great restaurants with menus ranging from bafflingly large pieces of pizza to authentic Korean ramen.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Drew Roberts

The first few days in DC included some friendship-building and touristy fun in the city before work began. Having not been to DC in many years, it was a great experience to explore the city and see many of the historic sites. Our first full day lead us to the National Mall where the Rolling Thunder was hosting their Ride to the Wall event, an annual motorcycle rally to bring attention to individuals in the American military that are missing in action or prisoners of war. We explored many monuments around the mall – including the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, and the Vietnam Memorial – with more than 300,000 individuals in the city for the event.

Drew Roberts

AIP Mather Policy Intern: US House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
