SPS Zone Meetings

2015 SPS Zone 18 Meeting.

Hosting a Zone Meeting? Click Here!

Zone meetings bring together students from SPS chapters within geographical zones. They are a fun and effective way for undergraduates to meet other students, present their research, and interact with practicing scientists.

Every SPS zone meeting takes on a unique style and culture, shaped by the traditions of the schools in the region. Some zones meet regularly with regional professional society meetings with significant support from leadersin those societies (e.g., Texas sections of APS and AAPT, and Southeast section of APS). Other zone meetings are more spontaneous and primarily planned by students.

Zone Meeting Reports

Lark Bradsby

University of Denver

Lysa Wade

University of Rochester

Prof. Betty Young

Santa Clara University

Nikita Mazotov

Yale University

Zone Meeting Highlights from The SPS Observer

SPS Zone Map

Click here or on the map below to see a full-size version.

SPS Zone Map