University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Em Chittenden

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Visualizing Physics (VisPhys)

Drew Roberts

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Drew Roberts

This summer, I was able to meet both Ben and Ashley, the Mather Interns from last summer. They both expressed the thought that the Mather Policy Internship is the best intern program in DC. When I look back on my experience, this seems completely accurate. This internship allowed me to connect with so many people working in science policy and really get to see how this world works.

Drew Roberts

Friday, July 31, 2015

Drew Roberts

One of the wildest parts about being in DC is the perpetual feeling that the individuals in the room might be the smartest group of people that you've ever met. The past week made me feel this several times. Elias and I had two big meetings.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Drew Roberts

It is getting to the point in the summer when days fly by like seconds.  It seems like not long ago that I was moving in and getting accustomed to life in DC.  Now that I feel like I am getting into a groove and really understanding life on the Hill, the summer is about to end!  With a sense of n

Friday, July 10, 2015

Drew Roberts

Fourth of July weekend led to some of the most interesting experiences of the summer.  A group of friends from UNC came to visit, so we saw many of the usual sites in the city: Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, National Zoo, and various museums.  This is always fun, but not the most unique e

Drew Roberts

Friday, July 3, 2015

Drew Roberts

A restful weekend was much needed. After four busy in-session weeks, I had a quiet weekend before my last week of the summer which would have Congress out of session. This gave me the opportunity to read, relax, and most importantly, catch up on sleep. I knew that this weekend and recess week would be the time for a short rest, before a busy 4th of July weekend and 4 more weeks of being in session.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Drew Roberts

Last weekend, a group of good friends from UNC drove up to visit.  It was great to spend some time with friends from home and act as tour guide while I showed them all of my favorite parts of DC.  We ate at great restaurants, visited cool exhibits, and spent time just exploring.  Fitting so much

Friday, June 19, 2015

Drew Roberts

This weekend, I reached out to further parts of the city.  Saturday I spent my time on the Southern edge of the city, checking out music and events that were going on around the Navy Yard and Nationals Park.
