Case Western Reserve University

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

I have accomplished quite a bit this summer: I did a presentation, wrote a report, networked, and made friends… but perhaps more importantly, I have expanded the list of movies I have seen.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

Apparently, my comments on the “campiness” of Star Wars and the Dark Knight Rises have to be amended.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

The Princess Bride, like every Star Wars movie and The Dark Knight, is campy. Apparently, this is a controversial take, but I would like to point out that Batman parades around in a cape, whispering about darkness and Anakin Skywalker simply exists.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

Up until Sunday, I was under the impression that Forest Gump was a feel-good kids’ movie. It turns out that it’s not. There’s death, drugs, and assorted scariness.

Case Western Reserve University

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

There are perhaps three things I am completely sure of: movies over 2 hours make me antsy, movies with guns, violence, and death freak me out, and hot dogs are one of the few perfect foods. The former two made it nearly impossible to get through Batman the Dark Knight Rises.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

It has come to my realization that Jenna and I spend about 12 consecutive hours together. From commuting to work to after-work hangouts, I do not think I go for more than 30 minutes without seeing her daily.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

This week brought Goodwill Hunting, WallE, Spider-Man, and Lego Batman—all very good movies. I suppose we are redeemed from the disaster of Spy Kids. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

Spy Kids is an awful movie. Jaden expedited Spy Kids up the movie list, claiming it is critical to my cultural literary. If anything, I became illiterate after watching the movie. Charles and Jaden say I lack taste and we need to watch it again. I simply refuse. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Charlotte Bimson

The other interns have decided I’m horribly uncultured when it comes to movies and have taken personal offense. To “fix” this problem, there are now weekly movie nights. We have gotten through all Indiana Jones movies now; next is the Shreks.
