5 Hotdogs on the 4th

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Sunday, July 7, 2024


Charlotte Bimson

There are perhaps three things I am completely sure of: movies over 2 hours make me antsy, movies with guns, violence, and death freak me out, and hot dogs are one of the few perfect foods. The former two made it nearly impossible to get through Batman the Dark Knight Rises. The latter made it so I ate 5 hotdogs over the course of the 4th of July.

Work-wise, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday were a blur. A short week with the thrill of fireworks and hotdogs does damage to productivity.

On Tuesday, we went to another trivia night. This time, it was in a restaurant, and we had our own table. It was fun, but it lasted for 2.5 hours. As per my attention span, that’s a bit long.

Wednesday brought swimming, sourdough, and Superbad. Charles has been attempting to make a sourdough starter. He has been mostly successful. Every day, he has to remove half of the starter to allow for gluten growth. He has been making little sourdough pancakes with the excess; it’s been delicious. Superbad was not delicious. In addition to guns, violence, and death, I don’t think I like raunchy movies.

For the long weekend, my boyfriend (Skylar) flew in from New Orleans. I picked him up from Dulles, and when we got home, it was straight to grilling! The interns (plus Evan, Kaden’s girlfriend, Muji’s brother, Skylar, and a few random frat guys from the frat house we were grilling) played lawn games, drank beer, and ate hot dogs to celebrate. I ate 3 dogs—A lovely afternoon. 

Then, we left to camp out at a spot to watch the fireworks. We were falsely informed we needed to get there by 4 pm to secure a spot. I think we could’ve arrived at 9 pm and been okay. We weathered through 5 hours of rain and bugs—I took three naps and ate 2 more hot dogs.

On Friday, we had off work, so Skylar and I explored the Botanic Gardens and the National Gallery and got sushi. Later that night, Jenna, Charles, Skylar, and I played Catan. Unfortunately, Skylar won.

Saturday, we spent the morning in a coffee shop eating croissants (another perfect food) and went to the VA Air and Space Museum with Kai. There were many missiles and bombs and not a whole lot of space. Later that evening, Skylar and I went down to the wharf and then ate pasta. It might have been the best pasta I have ever eaten. 

Sunday, I took Skylar back to the airport after an extensive walk to the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Memorial, and the White House. I will miss having him here with me. 

Once I got back from Dulles, we had a surprise welcome party for Collins and played some Uno. We watched Batman and now I think we have to go back to kids movies for a bit.

Charlotte Bimson