Week 5: The Morals of an Alley Cat

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Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Brynn Schierenbeck


This week went by so fast! Almost as fast as this entire summer because I guess we only have five weeks left now. Ugh. 

Monday started off great with a busy day at work doing research and attending meetings. After that I met up with some friends for happy hour at the rooftop bar across the street from our dorm. It was a lovely and uneventful time:)

Tuesday progressed similarly, I spent my day trying to figure out a consistent pattern of how my oven’s temperature changed with time. Unfortunately, after sitting there and taking measurements for hours (I’m not exaggerating), I realized that it wouldn’t even reach the minimum temperature I needed it for. Awful. It was okay, though, because later that night I went to the Players Club DC for the first time and it was fantastic. The setup is a basement full of arcade games and pool tables with an elevator leading to a somewhat secret rooftop bar space. Funny enough, I hadn’t been to a rooftop bar before this summer and now two in 24 hours?? Crazy. I didn’t actually spend any time on the patio this time, though, because the fun parts were downstairs. Highlight of the night was obliterating any and every possible opponent in basketball freestyle. Watch out Caitlyn Clark, there’s a new Madame Buckets in town.

Wednesday was relatively calm. After getting home from work I stopped at the Foggy Bottom Metro Market (not sure if it’s actually called that) for some of my favorite things in the world: empanadas. Janessa Slone, I love you and adore you. Not only for your wit, brains, and beauty, but also for introducing me to the empanada stands of DC. I’m a new woman because of you, and I miss you dearly. I hope to enjoy these national treasures with you again one day. 

After I devoured two of them, I ran over to Reidyn’s room for a quick interview. Somehow, I kept the yapping to a minimum and was second only to Jaden for the shortest interview of the group. If only I could do that every night instead of completely rotting Amanda’s brain ( she is so kind and patient to me:)). 

Thursday was a doozy. I struggled to make progress at work and got home almost too late to retrieve my newest book from the mail center. So far, I’ve finished three this week and they’re not even in a series. I feel like that says a lot about my morning commute. 

Anyways, I got my book in the nick of time, grabbed some food from Tonic, and headed back to the room to watch the Presidential Debate. If any of you reading watched it as well, I’m sure you understand when I say that it was both the most entertaining and depressing broadcasts I’ve seen in awhile. Typically, I try to stay away from sharing my political views, so I’ll just share a few of my general takeaways.

  • Comparing golf games to governing abilities is utter malarkey

  • Looking like every breath you take might be your last may not be the best face for a political party

  • Having the morals of an alley cat can’t stop you from running for President

Like many others that night, I eased the anxiety for the future of America with debate memes. God Bless Gen Z.

Friday was easier. I was feeling a bit under the weather so as soon as I got home from work I crawled into bed and read my book until it was time to go to the movie. They were showing Ratatouille outside at the Kennedy Center and it was a hoot. Charlotte, Kaden, Jaden, Kai and I walked over and got a relatively good spot no thanks to the man with the thickest Trans-Atlantic accent I have ever heard in real life. Charles, Amanda, and Reidyn joined us later and it was a lovely night. We went to bed happy and healthy, ready to conquer the weekend. 

Saturdays are for museums. Unfortunately, museums are not for me. I awoke to a message from Charlotte inviting people to go to the Post Office Museum. Now, my dad’s a mailman of sorts. I’m as passionate about stamp history as the next guy. However, I think many can understand why we ended up switching to the Natural History Museum instead. It’s pretty packed on the weekends so I split off and hovered around the gem exhibit while the rest of the group toured around. We eventually left and wandered over to a corner of the National Mall where a folk life festival was being held. They had all sorts of fun activities including different styles of basket weaving, dancing, and cooking.

After that, Amanda, Evan and I conquered the heat and went to lunch in Georgetown. I got the bruschetta I’ve been craving for forever and spent the rest of the afternoon happy as a clam. Later, we watched Anyone But You and yes, I still hate rom coms. 

Sunday was daunting. I woke up at 9am to the lovely Amanda’s voice telling me that we were leaving in 30 minutes to go to the beach! I groaned and reluctantly left the safety of my cold room to endure the horrors (the term we have so fondly coined to describe any and all minor inconveniences). We arrived around 11:30 and made the short hike up to the falls by 12. Amanda found a natural shower so obviously we took a dip. Speaking of dips, RIP Muji’s ankle, which swelled up faster and larger than I’d ever seen. Aside from the injuries, it was a fantastic time. I even got a free hot dog!! 

Now we’re kicking off the fourth of July weekend and I’m completely unprepared. The horrors of living life as an adult are real. 


Until next time!


don't mind if I just
nothing in the world can make me feel as euphoric as chowing on a fresh hot dog
bad b with her baddie friend
hole lotta nothing to see here
no wine opener?
that's amore !
i like this rock a lot
yea basically

Brynn Schierenbeck