Intern Blog Postings

Friday, June 5, 2015

Drew Roberts

The second weekend afforded me time to get to better know the area around Woodley Park. Just down the road from our apartment is a set of streets centered around Massachusetts Ave. that contain dozens of foreign embassies. It makes for a great walk to pass by the Embassy of South Africa, with a large statue of Nelson Mandela posed in the front, and then look across the street to find the embassies of both Italy and Brazil right next to each other. Along with great sights, Woodley Park and nearby Adams Morgan have many great restaurants with menus ranging from bafflingly large pieces of pizza to authentic Korean ramen.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Hannah Pell

Our first weekend in the city was a blast. We all headed out to dinner Friday night for some ramen and shared stories from our first week and quite a few laughs. After exploring the Adams Morgan area for a few hours (which was pretty hoppin’ that night), we decided to head back to Woodley. The next day a few of us Metro’d to the National Air and Space Museum on the National Mall. And let me tell you… I could not have been more excited. I felt so incredibly lost (both literally and mentally) in the excitement of exploring the wonders of space travel and our universe for hours on end. Eventually we headed out, stopped at the White House for a quick peak, and then returned to the apartment.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Veronica Martinez-Vargas

I am still in disbelief that I am here, four years ago I was not sure I would be able to continue my education after high school, now I am here in DC interning at the National Institute of Standards and Technology pursuing my passions.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rachel Odessey

After just 4 days of getting used to my new life for the summer, my head is still spinning.

After a long flight in, I finally got to move my things to my new apartment on Monday and with my lovely roommates started to figure out the whole grocery shopping/cooking for ourselves deal after having eaten dining hall food for four months. With all that I’ve been up to over the past few days I’ve barely even gotten to explore Woodley Park, the neighborhood around our building, but I’m excited for the chance to do that over the weekend!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Shauna LeFebvre

Hello! I'm Shauna LeFebvre, and I'm this year's SPS SOCK/NIST Education intern. Just to let you know a little about myself, I am a rising senior at Union College. Along with a major in physics, I plan on pursuing minors in mathematics and ancient Greek. When you can't find me working in the physics department, I am probably playing saxophone in the jazz or pep band or helping with my Minerva house (my school has 7 Minerva houses that put on events for the campus community). But enough about me.Testing the Waters

Friday, May 29, 2015

Patrick Mangan

I've spent a little less than a week in Washington D.C. and I've so far only put in 2 whole days of work with my internship, but it's already been a great experience. I've had lunch with Nobel Prize winners, stood next to buildings that I had only ever seen in textbooks, and I've sat at a desk for a regular 9-5 job. All of these are new experiences for me and all of these I've done in my time here so far.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Connor Day

I have completed my first week as an intern. It has been an exciting week of meeting new people, setting up my work space, and settling into the wonderful city of Washington, D.C.

Amandeep Gill Headshot

Friday, May 29, 2015

Amandeep Gill

Whew! My final two weeks in Sonoma were a whirl of finals, senior capstone presentation, and moving all my belongings back home; before I could take a breather, I was on a flight to DC for the summer!
I have visited the district a few times before but always for short visits. It is very exciting to be here for the entire summer! I am looking forward to exploring all the hidden nooks and crannies.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Teresa Turmanian

This first week has kicked off what promises to be an exciting summer!  It began at the American Center for physics in College Park.

Elias Kim

Friday, May 29, 2015

Elias Kim

In April, Drew and I had visited D.C. to attend AAAS’ CASE workshop. There we had learned about how science legislation comes to be and explored some parts of D.C. Needless to say, I left excited to come back and spend my summer working and exploring.
