Pennsylvania State University | Society of Physics Students

Pennsylvania State University

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Catherine Ryan

The blurbs are edited, formatted, and under edits again! Because editing is important! The photos are all collected! They are emailed off to Melonnie! I get really excited and then I remember I still have the third case to research and design!

Friday, July 19, 2019

Catherine Ryan

Welp, it's Friday of week 8 and I still haven’t posted about week 7. Not that I didn’t try it was just a very big week. We visited Capitol Hill and NASA last week. What more could a science policy nerd like myself love more?

Monday, July 8, 2019

Catherine Ryan

It was a productive three days of work this past week. I got my list of important black hole related events complete and I have most of the blurbs done. I’ve also collected all the images I think I will need for the exhibit cases here on the third floor.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Catherine Ryan

Early in the week, I handed off my teaching guide to Greg for final edits! So I've started on to my next project, the exhibit cases! I’ve decided on doing the cases here on the third floor about the history of our knowledge of black holes. I’m really excited about it.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Catherine Ryan

The funk I was feeling at the end of last week is gone. It just took some weekend R&R. I think it also helps that I’ve learned a lot about what makes me most productive in the office at this point. I like having the extra light on in my cubicle. I have my CUWiP ball to fidget with.

This is me Cate

Monday, June 17, 2019

Catherine Ryan

This was an odd week for me. I had to travel home Tuesday night for my younger sister's high school graduation. Then after graduation, I took a 2 AM bus back to DC, from my home in Philadelphia. I got back just before 5 am on Thursday, which means I got back before the metro started running.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Catherine Ryan

I can not believe week two is already over. I hope the whole summer doesn't go by this fast.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Catherine Ryan

Hi friends! Welcome to my blog!

We are one week into the SPS intern program, and I love it so much already.

SPS means support. Physics is hard but with friends it gets a little easier and a lot more phun.

Headshot - Catherine Ryan

Catherine Ryan

Pennsylvania State University

AIP Niels Bohr Library and Archives

Catherine Ryan

AIP Niels Bohr Library and Archives
