Rhodes College

Rhodes College

MMOD Hardware Testing and Communications for the Rhodes College CubeSat Program

Rhodes College

Becoming Best Buddies with Physics: The Amazing Race

SPS means I continually have a platform of supporting peers from which I can confidently voice my ideas.

Kristiana Smith

Rhodes College

Rhodes College

SPS Super Sound Science Show

Uplifting Students with Hovercrafts: A Smooth Introduction to Physics

Outreach Coordinator

Monday, August 20, 2018

Phoebe Sharp

I started my first day of work today.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Phoebe Sharp

I knew this would happen. I would get adjusted to this position, establish a routine, and become comfortable. Each weekend we have made a point to try something new in the city and to see a new museum. It’s been so exciting, but it has made this program fly by.
