Coe College

Friday, June 9, 2017

Victoria (Tori) Eng

Although a little less invigorating than last week, this week has been about settling in. It is strange being able to get up at 6am with almost no problems now, especially because that was not something I ever accomplished in High School. So far at work the exhibit has been going along smoothly.

Friday, June 2, 2017


My first week has been a bit different that most of the other interns. While most of the other interns were settling into our apartment on Sunday, I was exploring Berlin. My school offers may term courses in which we can travel the world and explore interesting topics.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Lisa McDonald

While Friday still needs to occur before calling the first week of my internship finished, I already learned so much in just the first few days. As an intern for the American Institute of Physics' online science policy coverage publication FYI, my mentor is Mitch Ambrose, science policy analyst.

Tori Eng

Associate Zone Councilor

Coe College

Victoria (Tori) Eng

AIP Center for History of Physics Intern

Lisa McDonald

AIP FYI Science Policy Communications Intern

Coe College in Cedar Rapids is hosting the zone 11 meeting March 17-19, 2017.

Jim Gates will be the plenary speaker!

We plan to have student posters and talks, a tour of Rockwell-Collins avionics, and demos.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Dahlia Baker

It’s been about five weeks since I was in DC, and so much has happened since then. Saying goodbye to my roommates and friends I made over the summer was hard, but I had the feeling that we would definitely be seeing more of each other in the not-so-distant future.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Dahlia Baker

The second to last week brings a feeling of the beginning of the end. Deadlines for NASA were finally upon us, and I found myself scrambling to make edits, format graphs, and try to summarize my past eight weeks of work into a 45 by 45 inch piece of paper.

Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota 
Top five recommendations for SPS chapters everywhere
