Week Nine: The Final Countdown | Society of Physics Students

Week Nine: The Final Countdown

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Monday, August 2, 2021


Jesse Zeldes

The ninth week of the summer internship is drawing to a close, and I've mostly been spending the time finishing up projects and preparing for my final presentation at the SPS intern symposium. My second article (about the science of boba milk tea) just went public on the blog, so feel free to check that out as well.

We have a last SPS intern game night tonight, and I'm very excited. The game nights have been fantastic this summer, allowing me to get to know the other interns in a context outside of meetings. It's allowed the program to feel a little bigger than just my work, and I always enjoy chatting with the others and hearing about the cool projects that they have been working on. It's also a great opportunity to show off my vast collection of games to play over zoom which I amassed in the early months of the quarantine.

I'm eagerly awaiting our virtual tour of NASA on Tuesday. I've been a little bit obsessed with NASA from the time I was a kid, and I can't wait to use the tour to ask all the nerdy little NASA questions that have been stewing away in my brain for years.

Until next time,

Jesse Zeldes