Week 7: Group lunch hosted by the AIP Foundation team! | Society of Physics Students

Week 7: Group lunch hosted by the AIP Foundation team!

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Friday, July 15, 2022


Lucy Corthell

This week my mentor and I got the code running which means I now have a large excel sheet of all the data I need! I manually checked 5 colleges/universities and it seems to have all the correct information. This means the next steps are to update census data used to make plots and create new plots for the Education and Diversity website.

This Thursday the AIP Foundation team hosted a catered lunch for all the interns! It was great to see everyone and to hear more about each other's projects. Thank you SPS and AIP for hosting us and for the delicious food! 

Thank you to Emma, Saksham, Janessa, both Taylors, and Ben for helping me turn the fire alarm off earlier this week!! It was quite the experience to have everyone waving towels and clothes around both smoke detectors. Luckily the smoke cleared quickly (and the food wasn't too burnt). 

Evening kayak on the Potomac river:

For anyone who is searching for a dairy alternative to whipped cream, I used this for a pie and brought it to one of our intern potlucks and no one could tell it was vegan. I would recommend.

Last Sunday I was able to go to a conference surrounding Social Movements and Cultural Preservation in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Xinjiang, and Tibet! It was really interesting to learn more about Hong Kong, Xinjiang (East Turkestan), and Tibet! I hope to continue to learn more (and thank you, GW for hosting free educational events).

I am so thankful we were invited to a traditional Japanese tea ceremony at the Washington Times Building last Saturday! It was an excellent experience and I’m glad Nicole, Justin, and Taylor could come :)

Also, last Friday evening I went to an event with Taylor called Truth Tellers at the National Portrait Gallery for an exclusive screening of a new documentary about the power of teaching social justice through art! 

Looking forward to next week: our abstract, title, and draft final presentations are due. We will also be touring NIST! Thank you to NIST interns for setting that up! I hope you all have a good weekend. 

Until next week,

Lucy Corthell