Week 4: Fallen Dynasties, French Wines, and FITS Files

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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Jaden Sicotte

It is with a heavy heart that I must declare Johnny and I’s undefeated spikeball streak to be over. It is also my pleasure to announce that the Celtics have brought the city of Boston it's first NBA title since 2008. One dynasty ends, another begins (yes I’m comparing our 10 win streak in casual spikeball to a coveted professional sports accomplishment). Cue the duckboats!

The week began with a day of working on my code at ACP, followed by some rest by the pool. Spikeball ensued on the mall (still lossless at this point) before I returned home to watch the Celtics earn their 18th NBA title. Really wishing I could’ve been home in Massachusetts to attend the victory parade.

Tuesday I worked from home, where I had a virtual meeting with Dr. Kumari about my work progress. With some helpful direction and tips, I continued work on my code for a while before the day was done. After work, Johnny and I suffered our first (but only) spikeball loss at the hands of Reidyn and Charlotte. Devastated doesn’t even begin to describe the hollow and fractured state this has left me in. Our win record is now something like 11-1, and we’ve decided our honor will only be regained when we’ve earned higher than a 95% win percentage. Stay posted for the inevitable redemption arc.

Due to Juneteenth, we had Wednesday off from work (and thus I was spared the lengthy commute to Baltimore). A group of us went to brunch that morning, before going to the National Portrait Gallery. In the evening we diced, grated, baked, and boiled ingredients for a potluck. Compliments to all of the chefs, but specifically Kai and Maia for hosting (and making incredible dumplings). Following dinner we had early cake for Charles’ birthday (true celebrations to come the next day).

Thursday morning I went into ACP where I got to meet Charles’ girlfriend, Maddy, who was visiting for the weekend. I also played around with the SAOImageDS9 software (as recommended by Dr. Kumari) and got to start analyzing FITS files (fancy astronomy data files) for the first time. It was fun pretending to be a full fledged scientist. Post work I hit the pool again to cool off before the evening birthday celebration for Charles (who knew Kaden could dance like that?).

End of the workweek brought another day at ACP where I primarily just took notes on theory papers as well as took significant advantage of the office candy bowl. Afterwards, the interns and I went to an event at the French embassy. We got to listen to over a dozen different live music groups, spanning high school rappers, pop cover bands, smooth jazz, and French EDM. Reclining on the lawn at the French embassy at sunset with “La Vie En Rose” playing is an end to the workweek I didn’t know I needed. To cap off the night we had a screening of Lego Batman (culture shift, I know).

Saturday we braved sweltering temperatures for the annual DC BBQ fest. The event featured: brisket, ribs, dumplings, pulled pork, popsicles, music, carnival games, free samples, umbrella hats, and the piece de resistance (French embassy really rubbing off on me, that saying IS French right?), both the Peanut mobile and the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile. The sight of this showing beneath the stately marble columns of the Capitol building and behind some of the world’s finest museums gave me a rare swell of American pride, is this… patriotism? After retreating back to the solace of modern AC, we ventured forth once more for our volunteer duties at Astronomy on the Mall. Marbles were tossed, boom whackers whacked, stickers gifted, and science explained (though whoever hired that DJ needs to be spoken to, downright abysmal showing). Post event I ran over to a birthday party for a friend from school. After going out with my friends, I met up with the interns in Adams Morgan for a fun night out. 

To end the week, I had a slow morning, an afternoon by the pool, and another movie night (Spider-Man, the first Tobey Maguire one). Man that guy does not blink. 

In short: Boston=so back, Reidyn and Charlotte=so over, the French=pretty cool, and work=extremely cool. Enjoy this week’s pictures.

Jaden Sicotte