Intern Blog Postings

Monday, July 6, 2020

Benjamin Petkie

Wow already reflecting on week 5, time is really flying now and the summer AAPT meeting is coming up fast! The panel I’m hosting is coming along well, I reached out to one of my mentors and they connected me with 4 of their students.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Max Dornfest

This fourth of July, while traveling down the river that is my internship, I looked outside sometime around evening. The sun was setting. It was painting a rainbow of autumn colors across the sky.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Abigail Ambrose

Happy end of week 5! We are somehow already halfway through the summer. Currently, I am working to narrow accomplishments so that only the most important are in the short biographies I am writing for the SOR Fellows. How do you gauge what is the most important accomplishments in somebody’s life?

Monday, July 6, 2020

Alex Mikulich

Shorter blog post this time. It is hard to believe this has been my fifth week of interning at NASA! I have had a great time so far with all of my other interns, and my tests have been going well.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Samantha Creech

Since the pandemic accelerated back in March, we’ve all been experiencing a weird passage of time. For some, it’s plodded by, each week like a year. For others, we blinked and found ourselves in July.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Anna Murphree

[All views are my own.]

Somehow we are halfway through this internship! There’s a Bon Jovi reference in there somewhere, but I’m too proud to make it.

Joseph Dees

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Joseph Dees

While there are many things that I could talk about on this day, today is a day of remembrance.  You might ask what we are to remember?  Two Hundred Forty-Four years ago, our forefathers founded this country.  While everyone will agree that this country is not perfect, we can also agree that it i

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Maria Stokes

Happy (belated) Independence Day! I am astounded that it is July. I knew this summer would go quickly, but it is nevertheless baffling to realize just how quickly it is flying by.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Kyle Blasinsky

Units are notoriously important in physics, and the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) is the quintessential example demonstrating this truth. In 1999, NASA lost contact with the MCO after it was likely destroyed in the Martian atmosphere or escaped back into heliocentric space. The issue?

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Holly Fortener

I cannot believe how fast this summer is going... July 4th is already past and we are halfway through our summer internships! I'm trying hard to enjoy everything while it lasts.
