Intern Blog Postings

Friday, August 14, 2020

Maria Stokes

The SPS internship has been over for one week now. The end snuck up on me, but I am excited for my next step. I am moving this weekend to start a year of service, which will be a change of pace.

Samantha Creech

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Samantha Creech

(Please excuse the Hamilton reference; I finally watched the musical and its soundtrack has been incessantly stuck in my head)

Monday, August 10, 2020

Jack Moody

Well, that’s all folks! This will be my last blog post as an SPS intern. This has been an amazing experience! I could not be more grateful for this opportunity to give back to the physics community and to participate in so many fantastic activities at APS Careers.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Paul McKinley

I’m glad I waited a couple days after our symposium to write this. The end of the week was something of a blur, exciting and interesting to be sure, but I think I’m better able to reflect back on the summer, now that things have quieted down.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Alex Mikulich

This will be my last blog post for the summer, as my internship has officially concluded. I spent this last week presenting my progress to a few NASA personell and plenty of SPS guests. I talked about the background of LDI mass spectrometry and the drawbacks of the dried droplet method.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Benjamin Petkie

And so, it ends…. or does it? This summer internship has been such a fantastic experience. We closed it off Friday with our final presentations and I’m so impressed how much we all learned even having done this virtually.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Kyle Blasinsky

My what a summer it’s been too (no vehicular homicide though, don’t worry). Also, let the record show that I’m combining the week nine and week ten journals here, because I did wrap my internship up early with the start of graduate school and all.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Max Dornfest

Monday, August 3, 2020

Billy "Trey" Cole

I decided to combine two blog postings into one this week because we didn't have a speaker in week 8 and there wasn't anything I would deem blog-worthy in that week.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Benjamin Petkie

After week 9 of the internship we’re cracking down on the AAPT Summer Grand Challenge. This was promoted during the meeting to entice teachers to share their distance learning labs.
