University of Massachusetts-Amherst
NASA Goddard Space Center Intern
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Optimizing the observing bandwidths for the CLASS HF detectors
Optimizing the observing bandwidths for the CLASS HF detectors
I am a rising senior at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. I am studying physics, and I have been involved in research with an international collaboration for the past two and a half years at my home institution. I have really enjoyed all the places I've traveled and people I've met because of physics. I am very interested in astrophysics, and I am excited to be working at a government lab.
I am currently the vice president of my school's SPS chapter, and I have served as president and secretary in the past. It has been a lot of work, but also lots of fun. I am always excited to learn new physics and get other people involved. In my spare time, I love to be with friends or family. I also love travelling, listening to music, and watching good movies or TV shows. I am looking forward to living in D.C., seeing the sights, and making new friends.