Monday, July 11, 2016
I can’t believe we’re already half-way through the summer. This was an exciting week at work, as my project has started to take tangible shape. I’ve finished the basic art descriptions for content through the end of the year, and have started working on the first few introductory panels. Getting back to using Photoshop has been a welcome change of pace from the writing and research heavy past few weeks. Snapchat has made my project a lot easier, as their new update now allows photos to be uploaded to the app, and not solely taken live. This will let APS create a lot of content in bulk, then upload it whenever we see fit. Give us a follow at physicscentral if you’d like to see what I’ve been up to!
Outside of work, my week has been pretty low key. All of the interns went to the Capitol on Thursday night for the Women in STEM Fair. This was a great opportunity to meet young students who were interested in the sciences, as well as talk to women representing different organizations with the goal of advancing the presence of women in the sciences.
The most exciting part of my weekend was making pizzas and smoothies at home. Here is a side by side of the pizzas and how I felt eating them.
Isabel Binamira