Future Faces of Physics Award
The Texas Lutheran Society of Physics Students (TLU SPS) will team up with a unique after school program, Seguin Youth Services (SYS). TLU SPS members will serve as mentors to a target group of 3rd – 5th grade SYS students. We will present monthly “STEM sessions” filled with fun lab experiences for the diverse group of students. For the first and last STEM sessions, we will go to the SYS facility so that we can interact with the larger group of students, which includes high school students. Our hope is that by meeting with students regularly, genuine mentoring relationships will form between SPS volunteers and the SYS students. The goal of this public engagement is to motivate these young students to learn more about physics through hands-on learning activities and to form relationships with strong role models.
Project leader(s):Vanessa Espinoza
Chapter advisor:Toni Sauncy