Chapter Awards

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SPS awards are generously funded by donations from SPS alumni, Sigma Pi Sigma members and friends of SPS.

Future Faces of Physics Award

Awarded to chapters for physics outreach designed to promote physics across cultures. $600 maximum, awarded to several chapters annually.

Application deadline November 15.

Marsh W. White Award

Awarded to chapters for physics outreach to grades K-12 and the general public. $600 maximum, awarded to several chapters annually.

Proposal deadline November 15.

SPS Chapter Research Award

Awarded to chapters for physics research projects. $2,000 maximum, awarded to several chapters annually. Formerly known as the Sigma Pi Sigma Undergraduate Research Award.

Proposal deadline November 15.

SPS Outstanding Chapter Awards

SPS Outstanding Chapter Awards, selected by Zone Councilors and Associate Zone Councilors, are determined by the chapter's involvement in local, zone and national SPS meetings and events.

Applications due June 15.

SPS Reporter Awards

The SPS national office offers partial support, up to $300 for individuals and $250 per person for chapter groups, for SPS chapters or individual members to travel and report on national physics meetings for SPS publications. The funding is awarded to the chapter, with the mandate that funds go toward travel expenses.

Blake Lilly Prize

Given to two or more chapters and/or individuals for feedback from physics outreach programs. Open to all SPS members and chapters, for which a certificate and Feynman-related books are given. Established by the parents of the late Blake Lilly, and given in his memory.

Applications due June 15.