Week 4: Guilty as Sin?

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Sunday, June 23, 2024


Jenna Mastropolo

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”  - F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby.

I believe there’s a reason why the longest days are in the summer. I think it’s because these are the days that we create the most memories, the memories that we will look back on 20 years from now and wish those days never ended. This week felt like it was long for a reason because I’ll never be 21 again playing spike ball on the National Mall, or playing Uno while everyone is singing the words to “Brown Eyed Girl,” or watching Charlotte try to get into the White House. 

Monday was a simple day. I spent it in the ACP office getting some work done, and we had lunch on the roof, as usual. Afterward, Maia explained some of the demos we would do for Astro on the Mall on Saturday. That evening, we played Spike ball and watched the sun go down over the Lincoln Memorial. 

Tuesday was the true start to a very eventful week. Charlotte and I met with Said in the Hart Senate Office Building for lunch before heading to a Senate hearing. He gave us a little tour of the building, and we waited in line to get into the hearing (thinking we wouldn’t get in). Lucky for us, the manufacturing gods were on our side, and I was able to experience something that I had never dreamed of. The hearing was from the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations with Boeing CEO David Calhoun. It was surreal being in a room that you see all over the news and then hearing people talk about it afterward. 

We had off on Wednesday for Juneteenth and started the morning with brunch at Founding Farmers. After that, we visited the National Portrait Gallery for a few hours. In the late afternoon, we all started prepping for a dumpling potluck (full credit to Maia). I wanted to make peanut butter cookies, but my oven decided that was a bad idea and not to bake them. My apologies to all. Maia made us all help with making the dumplings, and not to brag, but I think I can make a pretty good dumpling (this is a complete lie). We ended the night by surprising Charles with a cake and card, playing Uno, and listening to good music. 

Thursday morning, Charlotte and I met Said and other colleagues at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. We had a quick meeting there and wandered around the building for a few hours. We were lucky enough to see John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Astronaut Jose Hernandez, and Vice President Harris. Normal Thursday, right?  We were sitting outside, and Charlotte thought it was a good idea to go through one of the gates from the Eisenhower Building to the White House. The Secret Service thought otherwise. It was a little silly to watch. I met Maddie, Charles’ girlfriend, who is the sweetest thing ever! We went out that night to celebrate Charles’ 21st birthday too! Happy Birthday, Charles! Welcome to 21!

Friday was another chill day spent at the ACP office. We had lunch on the roof again, and Charlotte and I somehow convinced everyone to have a watch party for the Bachelorette (I am thrilled!). After work, some of us went to the French Embassy for Fête de la Musique. We listened to live music and had a great time!

Saturday was the hottest day ever. A group of us went to the DC annual BBQ Battle. After a few hours of delicious BBQ, popsicles, umbrella and hot dog hats, a cold shower and a nap under the air-conditioned vent were much needed. Saturday night was filled with rave music and the fabric of spacetime for Astronomy on the National Mall! The event being held inside was the best decision someone could have made, but overall, it was a fun night! On Sunday morning, Charlotte and I took a quick trip to Trader Joe’s for groceries. I spent the rest of the day getting some work done and relaxing in the AC. I finished the day cooking a delicious chicken and pasta meal and watching Spider-Man with the group!

To say the least, it was a very eventful week! 4 weeks in, and I am excited to see what the remaining 6 will look like. When this is all over, am I allowed to cry? 

Jenna Mastropolo