Week 7: What’s the plan?

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Sunday, July 19, 2020


Kyle Blasinsky

Hi, all.

I guess this will be a more traditional blog post, as will the remaining few I imagine. Why you might ask? Well, because now I’m finally starting to ask myself, what’s the plan?

Technically, I only have ten more days of full-time work, and I’m supposed to be moving quite a ways away for graduate school at the end of that span of time. Like all great procrastinators, I’ve finally started trying to get my life together at the last minute in preparation. Where am I living (it’s a long story), which state should I be a permanent resident of, how will income taxes work, what’s up with health insurance? Adulting, am I right? I’m only partially kidding. It’s all very exciting to have my whole life ahead of me and all that other sweet, youthful optimism in my heart, but it’s also quite nerve wracking.

Also worth celebrating, I did a lot of catching up work this past week. I had a ton of projects that I only chipped away at as the weeks went by, and I finally sat down and powered through them. Woo. I’ve come to appreciate deadlines a whole lot more over time…mostly because I am terribly unproductive without them. There’s that procrastinator coming out again.

It’s a very transformative time for me. It’s certainly exciting, but without a clear path forward, I’d be lying if I pretended that I wasn’t marginally stressed about everything coming up. You know, such is life though. So, here’s to the adventures that await. After coronavirus, of course.

Stay well,

Kyle Blasinsky