Rockin' the SOCK - Week #3

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Sunday, June 21, 2020


Holly Fortener

I posted a few demonstrations this week on the SPS website: Passive Pasta and Slimy Spaghetti and Meatballs! The first has to do with energy conservation and the latter with chemical bonding. Since we are still working from home, I wanted to post demos that would be easy to do at home for parents and children. The next demo that will be posted sometime next week will fit directly into the "do at home" category: stay tuned for more updates on Outreach from Home with Holly!

I made a little progress on the SOCK this week as well. One of the SOCK goals is to include diagrams to help understand sound, oscilloscopes, and other aspects of the kit. I finished part of a diagram on Friday, but my family put in new carpet on Thurday and Friday so progress was very low. My dog and I went over to work/play at my boyfriends house on Thursday so he wouldn't be so stressed out from the carpet guys... my boyfriend's mom fell in love with my dog and I struggled to get things finished because my dog is just so cute. But that's okay! I checked off all of my goals for this week, and the new carpet is a nice perk.


Holly Fortener