Monday, March 16, 2020
The SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma updates its statement on Diversity, Inclusion, Ethics, and Resonsibility.
It is up to each chapter to be the difference they want to see in the world:
"The Society of Physics Students (SPS) welcomes all students with a passion for physics independent of identities including but not limited to race, ethnic origin, religious beliefs, gender presentation, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, age, family and socio-economic status, or cultural background. Many groups are under-represented in physics and SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma (ΣΠΣ) have not always been welcoming to diverse groups. Today all of our events are subject to our Code of Conduct, and SPS and ΣΠΣ are committed to working to correct this exclusion and will continue to update our policies and best practices in pursuit of promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity."