SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award | Society of Physics Students

SPS Outstanding Chapter Advisor Award

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Recipient & Nominees: 2022-232021-222020-212019-2020  |  2018-2019  |  2017-182016-17 | 2015-162014-152013-14 | 2012-13 | 2011-12

Nominations Due: March 15 

Submit Nomination here!

Program Overview

The Outstanding SPS Chapter Advisor Award is the most prestigious SPS award. It recognizes annually an outstanding SPS chapter advisor. A truly successful SPS chapter requires leadership, organization, a broad spectrum of activities, and enthusiastic student participation. An outstanding chapter advisor provides the stimulus for such success.

Award at a Glance

  • One award is made each year to a chapter advisor
  • Awarded on the basis of the leadership, student leadership development, support, and encouragement the advisor has provided to the chapter
  • Recipient receives $6000 to be divided three ways: 60% to the chapter advisor, 20% to the chapter, and 20% to the department
  • Runners-up chapters will receive a $100 gift card for a pizza party and other chapter activities


The chapter overseen by the advisor must have received an Outstanding Chapter Award within the preceding two years during his or her tenure as SPS chapter advisor.

Application Procedure

  • The lead nominator (a current SPS student or dues paying member) must complete an online nomination form, no later than March 15 (if this date falls on a weekend, the application is due the following Monday).
  • Through the online nomination form, the lead nominator can invite additional people to submit letters of nomination. Letters of nomination may be submitted by any faculty member, alumni, or current SPS member. Letters of nomination must provide reasons why the nominee should be selected for the award, citing specific contributions by the nominee. It is suggested that at least two letters, one from a faculty member and one from a student, be submitted for each nominee.

The nomination form consists of several parts including:

  • General information about the lead nominator
  • Contact information for the nominee
  • The nominee’s CV
  • Letter of nomination from the lead nominator
  • Additional letters of nomination – The lead nominator will be prompted to input the name and email address of any additional nominators, who will then receive via email a link to upload their letters.

Award Selection

In determining the recipient of the award, the Outstanding SPS Chapter Advisor Award Committee shall consider the leadership, student leadership development, support, and encouragement provided by the Chapter Advisor to enable the SPS chapter to have a successful program. The determination will not be based solely on the program of the SPS chapter but will be based on the contributions of the Chapter Advisor to the program. The committee may consider other sources of information about the SPS Chapter Advisor in addition to the letters of nomination submitted.

The recipient of the Outstanding SPS Chapter Advisor Award will be announced in the fall of each year. The formal award ceremony will be arranged by the SPS National Office, and traditionally occurs at the winter meeting of the American Association of Physics Teachers.


Please address questions related to this award to SPS-Programs@aip.org.