Spotlight on Hidden Physicists

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"Hidden Physicists" are people with a physics background, but without a typical physics job. Nearly 90% of all physicists are hidden physicists. The testimonials here are taken from Radiations, the physics honor society magazine. They are prime examples of the wide variety of careers available to physics majors -- careers you might have never even imagined! They include a businesswoman, a speech writer, a priest, a consultant, an anesthesiologist, a minister, a fighter pilot, a video game developer, and many many more! Check back for future additions to the list.

Ben Stein, Director, Inside Science, American Institute of Physics

Amy Rodgers, Sales and Trading Analyst, Citigroup Institutional Clients Group

Ernest Petti, Technical Supervisor, Walt Disney Animation Studios

Haider Ala Hamoudi, Associate Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

Ed Beach, Lead Game Designer, Firaxis Games
