Adopt-a-Physicist Q&A with Josh Weber
Recently, LOCI Research Associate and physicist Josh Weber, participated in Adopt-a-Physicist along with Waukesha North High School in Waukesha, WI and Sta. Catalina National High School in Candelaria, Quezon, Philippines. Adopt-a-Physicist, run by Sigma Pi Sigma, aims to introduce high school physics students to the wide variety of careers open to people who study physics, like Josh.
Physicists and students participating in Adopt-a-Physicist interact for a three-week period. Discussion forums are open, and small groups of students within each class are encouraged to talk to their physicist about his or her career, educational background, most interesting projects, and anything else the students would like to know.
Read Weber's Q&A with the Sta. Catalina National High School classroom taught by Nino Crisolo, Department of Education on the LOCI website.