Sigma Pi Sigma Honorary Membership

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Sigma Pi Sigma Honorary Membership recognizes individuals who have performed meritorious service to the field of physics, astronomy and related fields. As the highest class of membership in Sigma Pi Sigma, only distinguished physicists, astronomers, and related physical scientists who have made valuable contributions to physics at the national level are eligible for this honor. Local chapters may nominate such individuals, but election is only done by the National Council.

Award Guidelines

The nominee should be a deserving and noteworthy individual who has had a positive, national impact on the field, the comunity, and/or the society.

  • The awardee is nominated by an individual chapter or a member of the Executive on the basis of their actions.
  • Awardees do not need to be alumni of chapters giving the award nor already a member of Sigma Pi Sigma

The award consists of a framable certificate from the national office. Awardees are recognized at both the local and national level through mention in the chapter's publications or those of the chapter's institution, and national venues such as Radiations magazine, Physics Congresses, and the Sigma Pi Sigma national website.

To apply for this award, please email a nomination packet to the Director of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma (adelapuente [at] :

  • A cover letter introducing the nominee to the Sigma Pi Sigma National office from the nominating chapter
  • A copy of the nominee's CV or equivalent
  • A brief summary of achievements
  • A summary about how the potential member would be recognized, if confirmed.

Nominee packets are reviewed by the Director of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma and the current Sigma Pi Sigma President before submission to the National Council, which meets several times a year.

The Constitution of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma defines this as:


Section 6. Sigma Pi Sigma Honorary Membership

Clause 1. Any person who has attained noteworthy distinction at the national level in physics or closely related fields shall be eligible for election to Sigma Pi Sigma honorary membership, regardless of whether or not that person is already a Sigma Pi Sigma member.

Clause 2. Sigma Pi Sigma honorary members may be elected only by the Council upon Recommendation either by the Chapter into which the member is to be received or by a member of the Executive Committee.

Clause 3. Persons elected to Sigma Pi Sigma honorary membership shall have all the rights and privileges of other members of Sigma Pi Sigma, but they will not be required to pay any fees.