Chapter Project Award
University of Maine
The Sigma Pi Sigma Induction and Awards Banquet
At the University of Maine we have a small, familial community within our Physics Department. Our Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter lies as a special and silent vesicle within our Society of Physics Students Chapter. Understanding that our time and energy is better spent organizing and promoting the Society of Physics Students, our Sigma Pi Sigma Chapter gets one singular event to relish in its members accomplishments. At the end of every Academic Year, the entire Physics Department come together to hold the Sigma Pi Sigma Induction and Awards Banquet. The Banquet serves in many capacities; it allows Sigma Pi Sigma members to be recognized and new members to be inducted, it allows the Physics Department to celebrate its undergraduate students by giving out Department Scholarships, and it allows our Physics family to say farewell to our seniors as they graduate the following week and head off to their next chapter.
Project leader(s):
Samuel Borer
Chapter advisor:
Charles Hess